Stunning Agate Home Decor Ideas

Stunning Agate Home Decor Ideas

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Agate Home Decor 

Do you find yourself drawn to the elegance and sophistication of Agate home decor?


Check out the pieces below to find some stunning elements that you can add to your home to provide an exquisite ambiance that is both magical and earthy.

Zuo® Agate Pattern Box in White

This stunning and luxurious looking accessory box is the perfect compliment to any Agate Home Decor theme.

Best in Agate Home Decor

Agate Table Lamp

This stunning yet simple Agate Lamp will provide an element of sophistication to any library, office, or living space.

I am dying over this lamp & think it would perfect for my up and coming boss babe office ;).

agate lamp

Artisanal Kitchen Supply ® White Marble and Natural Agate Paddle Board

Add an element of modern sophistication to your kitchen with this beautifully designed serving board.

agate serving board

AERIN Black Agate Coasters, 4-Piece Set

These black agate coasters will provide some stunning accents to your dining area and home. Add some class and mood to your agate home decor collection.


agate coasters black


Platinum Metallic Candle with Agate Lid (14OZ)

This metallic candle will provide your room with fresh scents of spruce, allspice, with hints of mandarin.

Hand-poured and made of a soy blend.

agate candle for stunning agate home decor

What Do You Think Of These Stunning Agate Home Decor Pieces?

Check Out More Agate Home Decor Ideas

Sara Daigle - Life Clarity and Power Coach

What Is Your Personal Energetic Frequency and How to Raise Your Vibration

What is Your Energetic Frequency and How to Raise Your Vibration

What Is your Energetic Frequency?

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Everything in the Universe is made up of energy including you. Energy is alive and dynamic. As you probably learned in physics class even so called "solid" objects are made of vibrating particles.


We are all energetic beings and are constantly vibrating at certain frequencies.



Low & High Frequencies

Low frequencies represent "negative" emotions that include hate, envy, feelings of unworthiness.


Higher frequencies are represented by "positive" feelings including joy, love, and gratitude.


Before you think this is some cheesy post about being positive think about how much your thoughts run your life?


When you have angry thoughts do you feel very good?


When you have uplifting and loving thoughts wouldn't you say you are operating in a better place?


Why it is important to stay in a high vibrational state?


#1 answer is because it feels good and provides a high quality of living.


#1 equally important reason is because you will attract things vibrating at the same frequency as you.


If you practice law of attraction you know that like attracts like.


Ever hear the expression "when it rains it pours" or that you are "waiting for the other shoe to drop".


Think about these for a sec; you are expecting things to go even more wrong which then attracts more problems. NOT COOL!


When everything seems to go right you are on cloud 9 right? A great day is made up of a series of events that were pleasant and brought you joy!


Hitting every red light on the way home? Feels damn good doesn't it?!


By returning to a high vibe state even with things take a down turn means you will attract more good and experience more contentment.

How To Know Your Energetic Frequency?


So hopefully you are beginning to understand how important it is to stay high vibe. It can and will change your life and you can start immediately!


The best way to know is to acknowledge how you are feeling.


Check in with yourself. Are you depressed, lacking motivation, harboring anger and jealousy than you are vibrating at a low frequency.


If you are feeling love, joy, spiritual connection to whatever source you believe in (god, the universe, energy ect)? You are in a high vibration

How to Raise Your Vibration


You can raise your vibration on the spot and can also incorporate daily activities that will set you to keep you on higher frequency.

Below is a list of my top 10 ways to Raise Your Vibration!


1.    Change your physiology: Move your body and change your facial expression.


If you find yourself slumped over, shoulders down pick yourself up. It is an immediate energy boost.


Smile like an idiot, jump around and throw down some dance moves. I promise you cannot stay pissed off when you change your physical state.


 2.   Change Your Environment:  What are your senses focusing on? A desolate view out your window, smelly garbage, or loud irritating noise?


Take a break preferably outside (things in nature vibrate at a higher frequency!).



4.   Change Your Focus:  What you focus is how you feel and what you attract.  Stop focusing on the bad that is happening and shift your thoughts to the positive. (this can be tough, in terrible situations, BUT there are positives that can be hard to unearth).


5.   Respond V. React: Take yourself out of reaction mode (instant emotional reaction) and respond to the situation.


View the situation as a 3rd party or surveillance camera. Notice your feelings, process why you feel the way you do. You may still feel angry, but you are more apt to handle the situation with more tact and will be able to better to place yourself in a higher vibration.


6.   Go on Gratitude Spree: Gratitude resonates at one of the highest frequencies. You can immediately drop into gratitude at any given moment.


Stuck in mile-long traffic? You can thank the Universe that you were not in the accident.


This has been huge for me! I am Gratitude Freak now.  A couple of weeks ago I had a flat to-the-rim (pretty much DEAD) tire and saw it minutes before I had to pick up my daughter from daycare.


Awhile back my response would have been anger, panic, and fear.


Instead I was extremely grateful that the flat tire happened on a day my husband was home sick so I was able to use his car. I was also entirely grateful it happened two days before I was supposed to go on a road trip giving me enough time to have the tire replaced.


7.   Stop Engaging in Low Vibe Conversations : You are who you hang with. SERIOUSLY!

If those you are closest to including family, friends, co-workers are constantly talking about how life sucks, how broke they are, and how pissed they are at the world. You are taking on those low vibrations.


Protect your energy and do not participate in those conversations.


As Jim Rohn states, " we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with".


8.   Receive: How many time have you denied a compliment? Someone tells you like nice today and respond that you got no sleep and think you look like crap. You just talked your way into a very low vibration. Instead, thank them and allow yourself to receive the goodness of compliment.


9.   Take Care Of You: Be Healthy! Get daily exercise, eat healthy (try bein' mad while eating pineapple), and practice self-care.


10.   Practice Mindfulness: Mediation, energy healing, journaling, and being with yourself in general.


I took a Reiki Energy Healing Course - from Udemy online and have found profound effects from starting the practice on myself.


I was skeptical at first, but the online course from Udemy was fantastic.


I knew it would be awhile before I could participate in an in-person training, so I decided to give the online course a shot and it has been one of the best things I have done for myself.

Other Resources

I hope you gained some valuable insight in today's post about your energetic frequency and how important it is to raise your vibration when you start to feel low.


Below are some other great resources that can be used to keep you in a high energetic frequency!


Therapy - Terrible things happen to us and for many healing can be a long  and painful road.

Even if you don't have any long withstanding trauma, therapy and other healing modalities can provide the structure you need to ensure you are not living in a state of suffering.


Raise Your Vibration - Kyle Gray.

There are maaaany books on the subject, but this is one of my favorites!



Law of Attraction Coaching - may fav channel that has some kick ass Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Gary Vaynerchuck clips. Some Tony on Youtube can get me back in a proper heads pace with in minutes!


Ralph Smart - Infinite Waters. Ahhh One of the best and thought provoking YouTubers I have found!


Listening to music at higher frequencies can raise your vibration. Try searching for Solfeggio Frequencies, Binarual Beats, or Music at 432 hz or 528 hz.

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Top 5 Money Mindset Books

Top 5 Money Mindset Books

Want More Wealth And Abundance?

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You will need a strong money mindset. Without one you are probably blocking wealth and the flow of money to you on a regular basis and might not even know it.


I love reading books and practicing mindset work. I am a clarity coach after all and I believe and practice the 80/20 rule. This is that success is 80% mindset and 20% strategy (which is why I teach both!).


What is money mindset?

It is your belief systems around money. If you are a law of attraction practitioner than you know that what you focus on is what you attract.


If you focus on being broke and having a lack of money (or a lack of anything love, material possessions, joy etc) you will attract a lack of all these things more and more.


If you focus on gratitude for what you have, wealth, and prosperity you will find you will start attracting MORE OF THESE THINGS!


The books below are my favorite for getting my money mindset in tip-top shape. You have to do the work and each book guides you on how to construct a healthy and winning money mindset.

Think And Grow Rich - Napolean Hill

This is the landmark book about money mindset. Napolean Hill is an old-timey dude who spent his entire life researching the top millionaires of his time including Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford to find out why they were successful.

This book is my #1 starting place for learning techniques to develop a strong understanding of attracting wealth.


Grab Your Copy Here: Think and Grow Rich

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! - Denise Duffield-Thomas

One of my absolute favorites! Denise breaks down the steps that she has taken personally to become wealthy. She is relatable and super funny through the book and she provides you with actionable steps to take each chapter to help you smash your crappy money story and replace it with one that is full of wealth.


Grab Your Copy Here: Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!

Unleash Your Inner Money Babe - Kathrin Zenkina

Ahh, I love this book and Kathrin. I am lucky enough to have had Kathrin mentor me and she has helped me increase abundance and attract money into my life in ways I could not have dreamed.

Her best selling 21-day workbook takes you through daily practices to guide you in attracting $1,000 (or more) into your life.

Kathrin is a money mindset queen and this book is fun and super powerful.

Grab Your Copy Here: Unleash Your Inner Money Babe

The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D Wattles

Such a Classic. Another old-timey book jam-packed with the knowledge you need to know to practice law of attraction.

Straightforward and to the point, this quick read dives right into undoing your conditioned beliefs about money that are damaging your ability to attract wealth.

Grab Your Copy Here: The Science of Getting Rich

Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want  - Kate Northrup

Another great book by a female entrepreneur that I have learned so much from.

I am lucky enough to live the next town over from Kate and have been able to soak up all her knowledge for quite a few years now.

This book will have you diving deep into your relationship with money. Kate uses money mindset and applicable exercises to help you heal, get out of debt, and create a ton of wealth and prosperity in your life.


Grab Your Copy Here: Money, A Love Story

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Top 5 Ways to Start Living Your Dream Life Now

Learn How to Manifest Your Dream Life

Are you yearning to have the life you want, but quite figure out how to do? Living your dream life is something that society has conditioned us to think is nearly impossible.


Yet there are people out there doing it with passion and carrying out their purpose.


Here are 5 Ways to Start Living The Life Of Your Dreams Now.


Don't Wait! Start on these today and you will start to see a massive shift in your belief system and lifestyle.


Top 5 Ways to Live Your Dream Life Now and Welcome Unlimited Abundance


1. Declutter

Time to get rid everything that is clogging up your life. I mean this in the most literal sense. Make physical room for what you want to call into your life.


Does your dream life involve money, luxurious sweaters, and a fancy new Lexus?


Clean up your surroundings, show the universe that you respect and care for what you have.


Clean out your wallet by throwing out receipts, old gum, and expired coupons. Did you find change and forgotten gift cards? Saw thank you and feel some gratitude for what you have found! Make your wallet a spacious and organized spot for your money.


2. Express Gratitude

Gratitude from

Speaking of saying thanks, write down a list of you are grateful for at this moment. It can be anything - the roof over your head, a running vehicle, your mom, the fact you were able to enjoy a decadent latte this morning.


You can not feel stress or unhappiness at the exact same time that you are expressing gratitude. When you are thankful you increase your vibrational energy and you more easily to attract the good things you want in life.


3. Act As If

Envision yourself with all that you want to have in life as if you already have it. You have to brainwash yourself into believing all that you want is already here.


Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what it isn't.


If it believes that you are a wealthy business owner who makes 5 figure each night while you sleep it will start to manifest that into reality.

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4. Take Action

You need to take action if you want to achieve and receive  in order to start living your dream life. The good news is there are somethings you can do right now and each and every day to get headed in the right direction.


The truth is no matter how tired or burnt out we are we are still wasting time in some area of our life.


Are you watching 3 hours of tv each night and then scrolling Facebook on your phone for another two hours?


Take 5 minutes of your day to write down your goals. Take another hour (which usually leads to more time) working on actionable items such as research, writing, creating an Instagram post.


5. Upgrade Yourself

My favorite way to start feeling like I am living my dream life is to start enjoying things that I want and stop skimping out.


No, you don't need to drive yourself into debt buying designer brand clothes or feel like you have to take the luxury 3-week European vacation quite yet.


You can start to splurge on yourself now, however, replace all the ratty old undies and socks you threw out when you decluttered and replace with something nice that makes you feel good.


For myself and my husband, it is steak. The best cuts of steak from Whole Foods or the butcher a couple time per month.


My husband loves to cook and our meals are better than any of the fancy restaurants in our foodie city. Sure it can be pricey, but it is our thing and how we treat ourselves.

I hope you start putting these into practice today. Once you start treating yourself like the version of you that is already living your dream life, your subconscious mind starts to believe its all possible.

Sara Daigle - Life Clarity and Power Coach
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5 ways to start living your dream life.
How to live your dream life

Step Into Your Power and Get What You Want with the Moon Cycles


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The moon is by far my favorite tool to get clarity and to manifest my desires.


Moon energy is incredible and being able to tap into this power source has the ability to amplify your own power so you get what you want in life.


The moon also matches the cycles of the seasons a women's menstrual cycle.


This is by no mistake and by utilizing the natural flow found in nature you are primed to manifest your wants with greater ease and more oomph!


Moon Cycles - new moon, full moon

The moon goes through 8 different phases each month with the New Moon and Full Moon Cycles being the most well known and powerful.


I will focus on the 4 quarterly cycles in this post so you can follow along using these moon phases to get what you want! POWERFUL!!


By tuning into each cycle and understanding how best to use it; you can accomplish your goals and bring in your manifestations with great force.


Understanding the dates of each moon cycle and astrological signs that the moon is in is key to planning and making the most out of the moon energy.



The New Moon represents the beginning of a new cycle.


Use the New Moon to go inward and do some introspective thinking about what you want to call into your life.


Set intentions, do some journal, and meditating to ground yourself and gain clarity.


Write down your goals and manifestations you want to achieve.  Release these dreams and do not hold attachment to them. The power of manifesting is held in the release.




The moon is on course waxing its way to Full.


The 1st Quarter Moon happens occurs about 7-10 days after the New Moon.


It is time to stay on course with your intentions and commit to them as your actions and thoughts around this time are going to be the catalyst for bringing your dreams to fruition.





It's time to reap the rewards set during the New Moon.


You may see results from the New Moon that just occurred, but more often than not you may be seeing manifestations come to life that was put in place 6 months prior.


This is because when the current Full Moon is in the same astrological sign it was in during the New Moon which happens in 6-month cycles.


As you can see that writing your intentions and goals each month is key so you can look back to previous months while you are receiving.





After the Full Moon, the Moon begins to wane back to New. This 3rd Quarter Moon is a time to review and release.


Take some time here to re-evaluate your intentions to ensure that they are still in line with your true desires.


Release what is no longer serving you or what is not in alignment with your highest good.


A great time to complete items on your to-do list so you can head into the New Moon cycle fresh and without attachment to anything that may hold you back.


Harnessing the Moon's Power by understanding her phases is just the beginning.


The more I learned about astrology and to incorporate my astrological birth chart into how I used Moon Cycles really took me to the next level in optimizing my time, power, and manifestations.


You can incorporate rituals, crystal healing, and a number of other aspects when acknowledging each phase.


Below are some of the resources I have used to help learn and go deeper in understanding the Moon Cycles:


Moonology by Yasmin Boland

This book really is the go-to for me when understanding each of the 8 cycles and how to tap into the energy to manifest.


FREE BIRTH CHART by the Astro Twins

Understanding your birth chart was immensely helpful in knowing how the moon affects me each day dependent on which astrological sign it is in and where that sign is in my birth chart.


I hope you enjoyed learning the basics surrounding the Moon Cycles and choose to go further.


It has been life-changing for me to see and each month I am able to stay focused on my goals and see my desires come into my life each and every month!

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Moon Cycle Manifesting Guide (2)

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What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean

Angels Numbers are one of my favorite woo topics! Have you been seeing 1111 everywhere and wondered what it means?


We have all heard to make a wish when the clock strikes 11:11 but did you know that this a number which actually carries a ton of meaning in numerology can also be a message from angels.


Seeing 1111 Meaning

Seeing 1111 over and over again is a message that you are on the right path and are ready to acknowledge and receive your desires.


I thought this was crazy sh*t when I first heard about it. I'm pretty freaking woo, but angels communicating with us here on the Earth plane?? That was a little too nuts even for me.


Why do I believe it now? Because I started to see it daily in the most obvious forms.


How It All Started

Shortly after I started to learn about manifesting and actively practicing law of attraction I heard about angel numbers.


This is when you see the same numbers over and over again such as seeing 1111, 222, 777 all the time. This is angels communicating and providing guidance to you by showing your repeating numbers that carry a special message.


After hearing about this crazy notion that angels (which I still didn't believe in) are communicating to us I gave it try out of curiosity.


I asked for the number 333 (I still had no idea about its meaning) and within 30 seconds on my commute to work, I saw it on a sign.


I asked again and again and very swiftly each time I would receive a visual of what I was asking to see.


Now I find that the same numbers pop up for me again and again without asking sometimes for days, weeks, or even months at a time.


I quit my corporate job the end of December 2017. For three months I was seeing 111 nonstop sometimes 10-15 times per day (NO JOKE).


This was a message to keep a strong focus on what I wanted to call into my life (business success, client, money) because my thoughts were actively manifesting.

How to Interpret These Messages

I seek quiet by going inward and meditating on these messages that I am receiving in the form of numbers and which opens up the best way for me to apply the meaning to my life.


I see some form of angel numbers every day and take these along with other angel signals as a reminder to remain focused and driven. By seeing these signals, acknowledging them, and thanking the universe and angels I am to raise my vibration to attract what I want.


Hope this helps shed some light on seeing repeating numbers!

Sara Daigle - Life Clarity and Power Coach
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Free Angel Numbers Guide
Seeing 1111 Meaning